Saturday, April 11, 2015

The Green's Confusing Stance on Environmental Issues

Water Underneath a Sea of Petrochemical Plastics

1From the Green Party website: 

//The Green Party is the only party opposing any and all current bitumen pipeline plans. We will oppose any and all pipeline proposals committed to shipping raw bitumen out of Canada. We must move to a national energy policy with a strong climate plan.

We need to ensure that by 2100 Canada’s bitumen production is going to petrochemical products, not fuel. We need to recognize that *as a resource it is both too valuable* and too dangerous to burn.//

So the Green plan is to give us the next 85 years to use bitumen for fuel, and then by 2100 have switched over to only petrochemical (plastics) production?

Toxic chemicals and plastic bits in our air, land, ocean and food supply are not part of a sound environmental or economic plan.  Switching from Big Oil to Big Chemical Corporations -  Dow, BASF, Formosa plastics and Dupont isn't a step forward it's a step sideways.  Exxon & Chevron, actually are big chem companies as well as big oil companies.

For more on Ms. May's predilection for petrochemicals and plastic click here.   

2. Here is the vote (October 7th, 2014) in Parliament where Federal Green MP Bruce Hyer voted in favor of war - the most environmentally destructive industry in the world:
  • Realizing that voting in favor of war was the farthest action from Green a politician could take and was hurting the Green brand; on March 30, 2015 there was a vote in parliament to extend the mission against ISIL to March, 2016.  Mr. Hyer voted against the extension this time:

3.  Green Party Policy allows 100% free votes in parliament, that means that MP's don't have to vote for the party platform at all.  I agree that whipping ALL votes is too much, but allowing 100% free votes on every vote allows for greenwashing, green on the outside and Red/Blue on the inside.  See Bruce Hyer Vote above.
4.  The BC Greens support a refinery in Kitimat to refine raw or upgraded bitumen and then ship it by tanker (something the Greens are against - tankers on the west coast) through the treacherous Douglas Channel. Somehow without a pipeline or rail the bitumen or upgraded oil was to be magically (maybe StarTrek Transporter Beam) transported from Fort McMurray to Kitimat:  (greens are against expansion of pipelines, especially bitumen pipelines and are also against the transport of heavy crude by rail) Georgia Strait: Andrew Weaver okay with Kitimat Oil Refinery

5.  The NDP put forward a Private Members Bill the "NDP Climate Change Accountability Act" :  and both the Greens and the Liberals supported it, but hardly a peep in the Mainstream Media:
6.  Elizabeth May advocating for the liberals and accusing the NDP of having a worse record on the environment which is completely untrue.  She uses her limited time as a member of the HOC to advertise for the Liberals and unfairly criticize the NDP. The Liberals have been almost, if not just as bad as the cons, record on the environment file:

7.  Thomas Mulcair's response to Elizabeth May's commercial for the Liberals above.
"Actually, Mr. Speaker, the government that I was part of in Quebec City had a plan in place to reduce greenhouse gases. That is why we reduced greenhouse gases.
I was actually at the Kyoto conference, in Montreal. I can inform my colleague that the Liberal Party never did a thing. That is why it has the worst record in the world.
During that conference, I remember its minister, who went on to become its leader, saying that, all of a sudden, he did have a plan, but nobody was ever able to see it. When the Liberals finished their mandate after 13 years, they had done nothing on global warming and they did, indeed, have the worst record in the world."

mulcair liz argue 2.jpg

8.  Alberta Liberal MLA running as Liberal with the endorsement of the The Green Party and the Alberta Party. 3 free-market parties cooperating.  The announcement was made with Green Party Leader and Alberta Party Leader standing beside the Liberal MLA:

9.  Compare the Greens in Canada to the greens in the UK to the Greens in the US to the Greens in New Zealand: Spoiler Alert, Canada's Greens are more right wing than any other Green Party.

Canada 2015: 
UK 2015: 
US 2012: (scroll down to see Jill Stern on the chart - Leader of the GP-USA)
NZ 2014: 
Australia 2013: 

Where the all the parties stand on environmental issues in 2015 Report from the Environmental Defence Group: 

10.   Where’s the Green Party Going? - A Critique of the Greens Regressive Tax and its Free-Market Roots:

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