Saturday, April 11, 2015

But Liz, You're not really breaking up with Bitumen:

Dear Ms. May,

Beaches of Plastic (PetroChemical) Waste Replace Sand
In response to your Break-up Letter to Bitumen:

You are not really breaking up with Bitumen or the tarsands are you, only changing the relationship dynamic, very very slowly over the next 85 years?  It doesn't really sound like a break-up to me. You still want to sell Bitumen, just to a different group of Big Corporate Bullies. 

Sure, out in public, petrochemicals are more fashionable than sticky dilbit; unless people take a closer look at what those petrochemicals are made of and what they do to our environment, our bodies, our food chain and our living oceans and water systems. 

Cancer Rates in Towns that Produce Petrochemicals 

From your party website:

Sea Bird's Flesh and Bone Return
to Earth. Plastic that likely killed
the Bird, will remain for Decades.
 "The Green Party is the only party opposing any and all current bitumen pipeline plans.  We will oppose any and all pipeline proposals committed to shipping raw bitumen out of Canada. We must move to a national energy policy with a strong climate plan.
We need to ensure that by 2100 Canada’s bitumen production is going to petrochemical products, not fuel.  We need to recognize that as a resource it is both too valuable and too dangerous to burn."

So the Green plan is to give us the next 85 years to use bitumen for fuel, and then by 2100 switch over to petrochemical production? Isn’t that like going from one abusive relationship to another? 

Toxic chemicals in our air, land and oceans does not seem like a great long-term relationship either. Are you going to change the friends that you and Bitumen hang out with from Big Oil to Big Chemical like Dow, BASF, Formosa plastics, Dupont etc?  Does it really matter?  They are all Big Corporate Bullies and they are all TOXIC.  Did you know that some of them, like Exxon, Shell and Chevron, actually hang in both corporate gangs?

Don't make another bad relationship choice Liz.  Break the cycle, break up with OIL period.

With Love,
From the Earth Bubble and all it's Inhabitants  
p.s.:  Liz, If anyone else besides you reads this response tell them to Click here for more info on the Greens confusing stance on the environment.

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