1. From the Green Party website:
//The Green Party is the only party opposing any and all current bitumen pipeline plans. We will oppose any and all pipeline proposals committed to shipping raw bitumen out of Canada. We must move to a national energy policy with a strong climate plan.
We need to ensure that by 2100 Canada’s bitumen production is going to petrochemical products, not fuel. We need to recognize that *as a resource it is both too valuable* and too dangerous to burn.//
//The Green Party is the only party opposing any and all current bitumen pipeline plans. We will oppose any and all pipeline proposals committed to shipping raw bitumen out of Canada. We must move to a national energy policy with a strong climate plan.
We need to ensure that by 2100 Canada’s bitumen production is going to petrochemical products, not fuel. We need to recognize that *as a resource it is both too valuable* and too dangerous to burn.//
So the Green plan is to give us the next 85 years to use bitumen for fuel, and then by 2100 have switched over to only petrochemical (plastics) production?