Wednesday, August 5, 2015

LPC History of Duplicity & Broken Promises

For those looking for more background on the history of Liberal duplicity and dishonesty and what they really are - neo-cons with a lighter social outlook - here's a partial list (it's a couple years old) of what they've done both in federal government and opposition, advancing the neo-liberal agenda or supporting the Conservatives.  

Let's not forget Liberal support for #C51, #CCFIPA, and #KXL.  In addition here is some of the legacy of Liberal-Conservative corporatist policies and contempt for the people of Canada:
148 years of Lib/Con governments - Time for Change.

  1. Paul Martin, as finance minister, says “Screw the Red Book” after election:
  2. Liberals gut public health care and education transfer payments:
  3. Liberals sign NAFTA after promising not to: 
  4. Liberals keep the GST: 
  5. Liberals initiate huge privatization scams and sell-offs: 
  6. Liberals Allow Provincial Privatization of Key Public Services: 
  7. Liberals loot EI and health care funds to balance budget: 
  8. Liberals’ massive tax cuts for big corporations and wealthy special interests: 
  9. Liberals, under Pierre Elliot Trudeau in 1974, shift Bank of Canada's duties as low interest lender to government, to high interest charging private banks and cause our huge increase in deficit financing.  The Court Challenge to restore Bank of Canada's lending duties faces almost complete media blackout, despite high profile constitutional lawyer Rocco Galati taking on the case.
    1. The Most Outrageous Fraud Ever Perpetrated on the Canadian People
    2. Rocco Galati gives brief description on Bank of Canada (COMER) case.
    3. Keep updated on the Bank of Canada (COMER) case.
    4. Donate to, or join COMER.
    5. If you have 2 hours - this is an awesome video on the Bank of Canada case. 
The list goes on:

And still today, the Liberals support the Conservative federal budgets and overall economic direction.
These are the same Liberals who just voted again with the Cons to defeat the NDP bill to publicly regulate and require accountability in the use of GMOs in our foods.
Or the same Liberals who are again siding with the Cons to turn Canadians' personal credit and health information over to US authorities (as part of the whole Fortress America/SPP scam which they also support);

Or the same Liberals who are preparing to again side with the Cons in letting the CRTC outright legalize lying and fraudulent news reporting (the prelude to getting a version of the ultra-right/loony democracy-hating US Fox "News" in Canada);

Or the same Liberals who on four occasions (which is all of the occasions) sided with the Cons in approving yet another sickening wasteful useless corrupt round of tax hand-outs for corporate power cliques and wealthy special interests, after implementing so many of their own when they were in government;

Or the same Liberals who, like their BC counterparts, sided with the Cons to bring in that destructive rip-off known as the HST on working people and small business to pay for even more tax hand-outs to corporate power cliques and wealthy special interests;

Or the same Liberals who sided again with the Cons on adopting the Canada-Columbia so-called "Free Trade" Agreement
Independent Human Rights Impact Assessment Needed Before Canada-Colombia Free Trade, CAW Says
Conservatives and Liberals defeat NDP Canada China FIPA motion

Or the same Liberals who again sided with the Cons on first defeating and then watering down the NDP Climate Change bill;
Canada’s only proposed climate legislation defeated by government Senators
Liberal Party never serious about climate change

Or the same Liberals who have repeatedly sided with the Cons in defeating NDP efforts to bring in anti-scab laws and protections and guarantees for pensions;

Or the same Liberals who side with the Cons in extending the Afghanistan slaughter, bail-outs to the Tar Sands/Big Oil, out-sourcing/off-shoring of jobs and public services, and supported four of the five Con budgets?
The list goes on and on and on...

Canada: Liberals to support Conservative budget.
Liberal Party government dismantles social programs to serve NAFTA.

Reductive Bottom Line:

The Conservatives work for Big Oil
The Liberals work for Big Banking

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